The Wonder of WOOO is for everybody who has ever felt overwhelmed, lost, anxious, weak, unable to catch their breath. After years of substance abuse and a harrowing car accident at age 37, Ed Howie realized and internalized that his intentions determined his outcomes. This was a pivotal moment in Ed’s life journey that led to his physical, mental, and emotional rebirth over the last eighteen years. And the discovery of The Wonder of WOOO.
WOOO is Winning Others Over and Over. Spelled with three Os for a reason. It doesn’t always take a lot of work to win someone over. But when we win others over and over again, it takes thought and effort, and shows that we are committed to sparking true joy in the lives of those around us.
WOOO is that little tingly feeling you get when someone does something intentionally good for you. The opposite of WOOO is POOO. POOO reflects Putting Oneself Over Others. POOO is that heart-sinking feeling you get when someone, intentional or not, makes you feel bad.
The reality is, in the life we live today, whether we are seven or seventy, we want to be connected. We want to feel that JOY, that tingle of acceptance.
Ed came to a realization that he was constantly trying to Win Others Over the way that he wanted to be won over, versus recognizing that HIS win is not necessarily a win for others. And that his joy is not determined by other people’s joy. When we serve others well, they experience joy…and WE experience joy.
Ed is a businessperson, so he rationalized WOOO. He created a framework. As business owners, we strive to deliver that R.O.I. – Return On Investment. But Ed’s belief is that our R.O.I. is actually contingent upon our I.O.R. Our Intentions, that lead to our Offerings that lead to the Rewards – or JOY – we produce for others.
Intentional energy, leads to intentional offerings which leads to intentional rewards for others AND OURSELVES. That is intentional WOOO. The Wonder of WOOO
Wonder is described as “a feeling of surprise caused by something beautiful or unexpected, unfamiliar, inexplicable.” We’ve lost the sense of wonder in life. It can be the qualities of a person or the quality of things, the quality of an interaction or event. It’s often strange and remarkable. Don’t you want a little more wonder in your life? It can be fulfilled daily in business and in life!
WOOO is a two-way street, which starts with an intention.
WOOO is an offering. WOOO is a reward. WOOO is the gateway to JOY.
WOOO is joy in action. Our actions are significantly contingent upon the intention we set for ourselves in any moment. We must set our intention to WOOO.
The Wonder of WOOO is for everyone who is looking for just a little bit more. More joy, more breath, more calm. Ed speaks from the heart and soul to explore The Wonder of WOOO and its holistic journey, inspiring human joy through living a more intentional life and living in the present moment.
If you’re interested in having Ed speak to your company or at your next event, please email hello@edhowie.com.